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BeShem H' El Olam |
For Him Who Has Ears To Hear |
Claves: Judío, judaísmo, Jesús, Yeshuah, Dios, Señor, Padre, hijo, espíritu, santo, sacrificio, pascual, cordero , Biblia, Testamento, Elías, redención, liberación, salvación, milagro, Moisés, Egipto, Torá, Talmud, verdad, mesiánica, congregación, hermano, israelita, David, María, amor, idolatría, iglesia |
Recibimos este texto (si algún lector, judío o noájida, lo desea traducir al castellano para que lo publiquemos, se lo agradecemos mucho, pues nos parece que vale la pena el esfuerzo):
My Story
This is it so far:
I am a former Jewish believer in X-tianity wishing to prevent
others from making the same mistake.
I was involved in Christianity fairly actively for around a year
and a half while in college in the early ’80’s. During this
period I attended church up to three times a week, campus
fellowship twice a week, and occasional additional fellowships
or other activities. (A fellowship is a casual get-together for
bible study, group prayer, and singing songs of worship.) I even
led the singing with my guitar sometimes in my campus group.
Many hours were spent reading the bible and Christian books on
my own, or in theological conversation with my closest friends,
all of whom were strong Christians.
Church was something I looked forward to and enjoyed, unlike the
dry, lifeless conservative synagogue I had grown up in. I
attended fundamentalist, “bible-believing” churches where the
atmosphere was joyous, there was a lot of singing of happy songs,
and the people were warm. In fact, there were two churches that
I alternated between, because I liked them both so much. I
listened attentively to the sermons, where I was always eager to
be “zapped” with new insights into “the word.” I always had my
bible with me so I could follow along. I even took notes. At
home, the usual choice of music was Christian albums, tapes, and
radio stations. My aspiration for the future was to go to bible
school and then into missionary work.
I originally came to believe in Jesus by becoming convinced that
the “New Testament” was the fulfillment – as it says it is – of
the Torah (“Old Testament” in Christian terms), i.e., Judaism.
My ignorance of the Torah had left me vulnerable to this claim.
Conversely, what ultimately convinced me that Christianity was
false was close scrutiny of the “New Testament” – together with
the “Old” – for the first time, upon which I discovered the true
nature of this “fulfillment.” Contradictions and discrepancies
between the two books began to be revealed which Christians had
never pointed out to me (although they had been careful to point
out all of the supposed likenesses). Contradictions and
discrepancies which were hardly in keeping with the Christian
claim that both books are the absolute word of G-d, inerrant and
in full accord with each other. There were even many self-contradictions
within the New Testament itself, further complicating the matter.
It was an extremely painful process, but by being shown these
discrepancies and contradictions, and examining the original
“Old Testament” prophecies in their context, I came to realize
that it was only gross distortion of the Hebrew scriptures and
extremely forced interpretations that had ever made the two
books appear reconcilable with each other and formed a religion
deifying a human, nullifying the law of Moses, and splitting up
G-d. Christianity had been formulated by the taking of verses of
Torah out of context, the mistranslation of words here and there,
and the use of warped logic to cover up the tracks. I had been
The fortunate result of this devastating experience was that I
came to be introduced to Judaism in its genuine form for the
first time, that is, traditional observance of the law of Moses
as it has been carried out by our ancestors since the time of
Sinai, the precious birthright of every Jew that has been all
but lost on its way down to the present generation. As it has
been for so many others, it had been denied me my whole life,
misrepresented by modern assimilated Jewish society. This
Judaism I had never know before contained the answers to my
questions, plus more depth and spirituality than I had imagined
possible, and had been lying in my own back yard.
By learning the spiritual significance behind many of what used
to appear to be meaningless rituals and customs, by observing
others whose lives are centered around Torah, and by taking on
the observance of some of the commandments myself, I quickly
came to learn that the law of Moses which Christianity purports
to dissolve and declares a curse is actually a rich and
beautiful heritage, and the only answer for a Jew looking for a
relationship with G-d and meaning in life. I felt my Jewishness
being actualized for the first time, and that I had finally come
My challenge: If you think I am wrong, then answer these
... WITHOUT taking anything out of context, mistranslating, or
imposing a pre-conceived notion. (All chapter and verse numbers
are according to Christian bibles.)
Why does the subject of 2 Sam. 7.14 "commit iniquity," if,
according to Hebrews 1.5, this is Jesus?
Why does the speaker in Psalms 41.4 say, "I have sinned against
Thee," if, according to John 13.18, this is Jesus?
Why does the speaker in Psalms 69.5 mention his "folly" and his
"wrongs" if, according to John 15.25, John 2.17, Romans 15.3,
and John 19.28, this is Jesus?
Why is the speaker in Psalms 69.31 (who we have already
established is Jesus) declaring that praise and thanksgiving
will please God better than a sacrifice??????? Of all places for
Jesus to bring this up (which would be strange enough in any
event), isn't this the strangest, right when he's on the
Why does God, in Jer. 31:29-30, make a point of stressing that
"everyone will die for his own iniquity" - immediately before
introducing the new covenant, whereby Jesus will die for
everyone else's iniquity? Isn't that a rather strange way for
the "tutor to lead us to Christ?"
When does the new covenant of Jer. 31:31 come into effect? If it
was 2,000 years ago, why hasn't verse 34 happened yet?
Why will there be sin sacrifices when the messiah comes, when
the New Testament is adamant that there won't be? (Hebrews 9:28;
Heb. 10:10,12,14,18; Ezekiel 3:18,19,21,22,25; Ezek.44: 27, 29;
Ezek. 45:17,20,22,23,25)
Why is Torah law going forth from Zion in the messianic age, in
the sight of all the nations of the world, instead of Jesus, if
the law is a curse and Jesus has fulfilled and replaced it?
(Isaiah 2.3, Micah 4.2)
Why are the Jews keeping (DOING) the Torah law in the messianic
age, if it is a curse and Jesus has fulfilled and replaced it?
(Ezek. 37.24)
Why is no one who is uncircumcised IN THE FLESH allowed to enter
the temple in the messianic age, if "neither circumcision nor
uncircumcision means anything," according to Paul? (Gal.5.6,
Ezek. 44.7) Whose opinion should I trust, Paul's or God's?
Why does "forever" have an expiration date in Christianity?
(Romans 10.4, Ps. 119: 44, 111, 152, 160, 172, 142)
How can Jesus be qualified to be the messiah through Davidic
lineage if he did not have a human father? Can the "Holy Spirit"
be of the seed of David?
How can Jesus be qualified to be the messiah through Davidic
lineage, even through Joseph, if Joseph came through the cursed
line of Jeconiah? (Jer. 22:28-30, Matt. 1.11,12)
How can Jesus be qualified to be the messiah through Davidic
lineage, even through Mary, if she came from Nathan, the wrong
son of David, as well as from the cursed line? (Luke 3:31, 1
Chron. 22:9,10, Luke 3:27)
How could both Matthew's and Luke's genealogies be correct, and
divinely inspired, even if they are of two different people, if
they diverge (at Nathan and Solomon) and then come back together
(at Shealtiel)? How can two brothers have the same
Why don't the genealogies in the New Testament agree with each
other, or with 1 Chronicles 3, which came first and CANNOT be
Why is Paul so anxious for you to not study the genealogies? (1
Tim.1:4, Titus 3:9-11)
Why does Hebrews 8.9 lie about what God said in Jer. 31.32?
Why does Hebrews 10.5 lie about what God said in Psalm 40.6?
Why does 2 Corinthians 3 lie about what God said in Exodus
Why does John 19.37 lie about what God said in Zech 12.10?
Why does Romans 9.33 and 2 Pet. 2.8 lie about what God said in
Isaiah 28.16?
Why does Romans 10.6-8 lie about what God said in Deut.
30.12-14? Why does it leave out Deut. 30.11, and the last half
of verses 12, 13, and 14???
Why does Romans 11:26-27 lie about what God said in Isaiah
Why does Matt. 12.21 lie about what God said in Isaiah 42.4?
Why does Matt. 1.12 lie about what God said in 1 Chron. 3.19?
Why does Matt. 2.6 lie about what God said in Micah 5.2?
Why does Luke 4:18-19 lie about what God said in Isaiah 61:1-2?
In Romans 9:24-26, why does Paul leave out the first part of
Hosea 1.10, which tells us that the verses he is quoting (the
second half of Hosea 1.10, and Hosea 2.23), refer to the sons of
Why does Matt. 2.15 leave out the first half of Hosea 11.1,
which says that Israel is God's son?
Where in the Hebrew scriptures is the verse, "And he shall be
called a Nazarene," quoted in Matthew 2.23?
Why are the holy and inspired men of the New Testament so
ignorant of the Hebrew scriptures?
Why doesn't Jesus himself know his own scripture, if he's God
and he wrote it? (Math. 23.35; Zech 1.1,2; 2 Chron 24.20,21)
Why does Jesus lie in Math. 5.43 about what God said in Lev.
Why does Jesus change God's law (Math. 5.32, Luke 16.18 -
declaring every legally divorced woman an adulteress, and every
man married to a legally divorced woman an adulterer), if "I did
not come to abolish the law," and "whoever annuls one of the
least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be
called least in the kingdom of heaven?" (Math. 5.17,19)
Why do most Christian translators lie about what God said in
Hosea 14.2, and change His words, "take away all iniquity...
that we may present our lips as bulls" (demonstrating that
prayer substitutes for sacrifice) to "... the fruit of our
Why do Christians never mention verses like Hosea 14.2 or 1
Kings 8:44-52 or 2 Sam 12:13 or Lev. 5:11-13 or Ps. 32.5 or
Isaiah 6.6-7 which demonstrate that one does not need a blood
sacrifice to have their sins forgiven, or verses like Proverbs
21.3 or Psalms 40.6 or Hosea 6.6 or Psalms 69:30-31 or 1 Sam.
15.22 which say clearly that God actually PREFERS other methods
of atonement to blood sacrifice, or Jeremiah 7:22-23 which goes
so far as to say that God NEVER EVEN COMMANDED US ABOUT
Why are there numerous stories in the torah of people who
sinned, and were forgiven through prayer and repentance -
WITHOUT A SACRIFICE, such as David in 2 Sam 12:13, or the city
of Nineveh in Jonah - and not a single story, ever, of someone
who sinned and gave a sacrifice in order to be forgiven?
How can Jesus be the Passover lamb for the gentiles, especially
the uncircumcised, if outsiders were forbidden to partake of it?
(Ex. 12:43,45,48)
Why is the New Testament so concerned about the laws of the
paschal lamb when it comes to the 2nd half of Ex. 12.46 (see Jn.
19.36), but not at all concerned with these laws when it comes
to Ex. 12: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,44, the first half of 46, or 48?
What good is Jesus as a sin sacrifice to the intentional sinner,
since (with one exception, Lev. 6.2,3) the sin sacrifices were
only for the unintentional sinner? (Lev. 4: 2,13,22,27; 5:15,18)
Why did God, in Jer. 31.16, tell Rachel that her children would
return, if He was referring to the dead children in Matthew
2.16? Were they going to come back to life?
Why are the nations putting their hands on their mouth in Micah
7.16, much like in Isaiah 52.15? What is it that they're seeing
and being ashamed of?
Why did the church put an unnatural chapter break between Isaiah
52.15 and 53.1?
Why did the Christian translators remove the two plural
references to the servant in Isaiah 53.8 and 9 and replace them
with a singular form?
Why does the servant in Isaiah 53.10 have physical children
("zera"/seed) if it refers to Jesus?
If "zera" really means spiritual children in Is. 53, why do all
Christians agree it means physical offspring in every other
place in the bible that it is used to refer to people?
If "zera"/seed really means spiritual children, which ONE of the
world's Christians is the true child of Jesus, since according
to Paul in Gal. 3.16, "seed" refers to only one person?
Why are there many clear prophecies which state that Israel is
despised and afflicted, but none which say this about the
Why is the automatic Christian response to the problems of
Isaiah 53 ALWAYS to quote the rabbis they otherwise despise and
mock and whose writings they don't believe in, that Jesus
berated and Paul called "men who turn away from the truth"
(Titus 1.14) ???
Why did the disciples not understand what Jesus was talking
about in Luke 18:31-34 and Mark 9:32, if it was always common
knowledge among the Jews that the messiah was to suffer, die,
and rise from the dead?
Why did Jesus make predictions that didn't come true, if that's
a sure sign of a false prophet? (Math. 16:38, Mark 9:1, Luke
9:27, Deut. 18:20-22)
Why does God the Father know something Jesus doesn't know (Mark
13.32) if Jesus IS the Everlasting Father, and the Mighty God,
according to Isaiah 9.6?
Why do Christians translate the word "moshiach" correctly as "an
anointed one" every time it appears in the Torah, except for in
Daniel 9?
Why do Christians translate the word "ca'ari" correctly as "like
a lion" every time it appears in the Torah, except for in Psalm
Why do Christians translate the words "y'mei olom" correctly as
"days of old" every time it appears in the Torah, except for in
Micah 5.2?
Why do Christians translate the word "bar" correctly to
"cleanliness" or "purity" every time it appears in the Torah,
except for in Psalm 2.12? Why is it that 5 verses earlier King
David knew the correct word for "son," but not in verse 12?
Why don't Christians translate "ha'almah" as "virgin" in
Proverbs 30.19, if that's what it means? (What the four "ways"
in vs. 19 have in common is that they leave no trace, as
evidenced by vs. 20 that follows.)
Why did the Septuagint authors use "parthenos" in Genesis to
describe Dina who had just been raped, if it means virgin
according to messianic authorities?
If Isaiah 7.14 refers to the virgin birth of Jesus, via "dual
prophecy" (since it obviously can't refer to him via the
context), then whose was the other virgin birth that occurred at
the time of the prophecy?
* * Why are there numerous prophecies about gentiles bowing and
apologizing to the Jews in the last days, and admitting they
(the gentiles) have been wrong, and not a single prophecy the
other way around - of the Jews apologizing to the gentiles - if
it is indeed the Jews who are wrong? (see my messianic
prophecies list) * *
* * Why are we commanded NOWHERE in the Jewish scriptures to
believe in the messiah when he comes, if our salvation depends
on it? * *
* * Why do all the prophecies that Jesus supposedly fulfilled
deal only with the PERSON of the messiah, which the Torah barely
mentions, and have nothing to with the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of the
messiah, which the Torah is very specific about? * *
* * * Why is it that all of the prophecies that Jesus supposedly
fulfilled are all things that are of no practical advantage to
anyone, and do nothing to improve the quality of anyone's life,
while all of the prophecies that he did NOT yet fulfill are all
things that will be of tremendous benefit to every individual on
the planet, and all of mankind as a whole? (For example, how
does a virgin birth that happened 2000 years ago, or Jesus'
being thirsty and being offered vinegar, or being born in
Bethlehem, or being killed with a robber, or riding on a donkey,
etc... help me out at all? How do any of these "fulfillments"
solve a single problem in my life, or anyone's? Yet, on the
other hand, when there is world peace, and all the evil people
are gone, and all the sick are healed, etc... now THERE are some
messianic prophecies I can use!!! ) * * *
* * * Why is it that all of the prophecies that Jesus supposedly
fulfilled are all things that CANNOT BE PROVEN, while all of the
prophecies that Jesus did NOT yet fulfill, on the other hand,
are all things that COULD NOT BE DENIED IF HE HAD fulfilled them
- even just ONE of them??? * * *
* * * * Why is it that the ONLY way to fit Jesus into the
torah's messianic prophecies is through the use of extreme
force? Why is one or more of the following methods ALWAYS
required? 1) taking verses out of context, 2) mistranslating, 3)
placing a 2,000 year gap (at least) in the middle of a verse -
totally unjustified by the context - i.e. sweeping any failure
of Jesus to fulfill the scriptures under the rug of the 2nd
coming, or 4) making verses up? Why can't the torah ever just
ONCE mention Jesus clearly, if it's so important that we believe
in him? * * * *
If God changed his mind about so many crucial things He said in
the Torah, as demonstrated above, and now wants us to believe in
Jesus, why didn't he have the decency to come down to ALL of us,
and endorse Jesus in person to make it clear to us, as he came
down to all 3 million of us on Mt. Sinai to endorse Moses, to
make sure we would believe in the Torah forever? (Ex.
19:9.11,17, Ex. 24.17)
Why does God break one of His own commandments, "You shall not
place a stumbling block before the blind" (Lev. 19.14), since
according to 2 Cor. 3.14 and 4.4 I am blind, and according to
Rom. 9.32, 1 Peter 2.8, and 1 Cor 1.23, the above challenges are
all part of "a stumbling stone?"
Why does God trick us, and present us with such tremendous
difficulties as the above questions, and then throw us into hell
for rejecting an apparent false god, who's really not false, if
"God our Savior desires all men to be saved and to come to the
knowledge of the truth?" (1 Tim. 2.4)
This list may be copied and passed around, as long as credit is
given to leeannerhymes@aol.com, who gives at least half of the
credit to Rabbi Tovia Singer :)
I am open to dialogue with any believer in Jesus, Jewish or not,
who sincerely wants the truth, no matter what it is, and who can
discuss these discrepancies rationally and not in circles, and
NOT IN CIRCLES means it is understood that ONLY THE TORAH, WHICH
TESTAMENT, which came later and claims to fulfill the Torah, IS
Therefore, no attempt to explain away a discrepancy can begin
with a pre-conceived Christian notion or with a verse in the New
Testament. Instead, all discussion will begin with Torah, and
Torah only, and continue in a straight, chronologic, rational
line, moving TOWARD the New Testament, which will be examined IN
THE LIGHT OF THE TORAH ONLY. All examinations of verses will
also include their full context and correct translation.
To anyone not willing to follow these simple guidelines of
rationality and logic, who can only attempt to prove the
validity of the New Testament by quoting the New Testament or a
pre-conceived notion, or by constantly changing the subject to
avoid the challenge presented, or by resorting to personal
attack, I ask respectfully that you please do not waste my time.
Write to me at leeannesmailbox@aol.com. Leeannerhymes will be
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Yehuda Ribco,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
terminantemente prohibido el uso de estos textos para fines de idolatría: |