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Claves: Judío, judaísmo, nazi, nazismo, Hitler, racismo, exterminio, Holocausto, Shoa, matanza, cámara, gas, Zyklon, Auschwitz, Polaca, Polonia, tren, pueblo, raza, nación, odio, blanza, predominio, poder, gueto, Varsovia, levantamiento, 1942, abril, Pesaj, Pascua, heroismo, Anilevich |
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By Moshe Arens
The uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto was not one of the World War II's largest
or most decisive battles. It was neither a Stalingrad nor the invasion of
Normandy. Nevertheless, the ghetto uprising became a symbol of the
resistance of the few against the many, a desperate war with no hope of
"Retour sur le Ghetto de Varsovie" ("Return to the Warsaw Ghetto") by Marian
Apfelbaum, Editions Odile Jacob, 328 pages
The uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto was not one of the World War II's largest
or most decisive battles. It was neither a Stalingrad nor the invasion of
Normandy. Nevertheless, the ghetto uprising became a symbol of the
resistance of the few against the many, a desperate war with no hope of
victory, a battle for human dignity and for history.
The most significant fighting in the ghetto took place in April 1943, during
the period that Churchill called "the end of the beginning" - after
Montgomery's victory over Rommel in the Western Desert, the landing of
American forces in North Africa and the surrender of Von Paulus in
Stalingrad. At the same time, German cities were being pounded day and night
by British and American bombers. There was no longer any doubt as to the
future victory of the Allies over Nazi Germany.
During this period, the Nazis were running their extermination machine at
full steam, but the world preferred to turn a blind eye to the genocide of
the Jewish people in Europe. In August 1942, Gerhard Riegner, a
representative of the World Jewish Congress in Switzerland, gave the
American deputy consul in Geneva a cable to be passed on to the United
States, stating that he had obtained reports of German plans to exterminate
all Jews in the territories under their control. In Washington, the cable
met with incredulity and indifference.
In November 1942, Jan Karski, a member of the Polish underground, arrived in
London and Washington after escaping from Poland. Before his journey, he
spent a few hours in the Warsaw Ghetto after the large-scale deportations of
that summer, when some 300,000 Jews had been deported from the ghetto to be
exterminated. Karski was stunned by what he saw and heard in the ghetto, and
upon his arrival in London, met with the British foreign secretary Anthony
Eden and in Washington with the U.S. president, Franklin Roosevelt, to
report to them on the tragic situation of the Jews in Poland. He demanded
the Allies take action to end the wholesale murder of Jews. Both Eden and
Roosevelt were noncommittal in their response. Nothing was done.
Terrible and desperate time
When the Warsaw Ghetto uprising - the first rebellion against the German
occupation forces in Europe - broke out on April 19, 1943, it did not
command any special attention in the capitals of the Free World. England,
the U.S. and the Soviet Union sent no assistance to the young Jews fighting
against the German forces under the command of Juergen Stroop. The
insurgents were not even given a sign of recognition or awareness of their
struggle. They were unknown and isolated soldiers in every sense of the word.
Only after the war did their struggle merit recognition, becoming a symbol
of courage and valor.
What really happened in the Warsaw Ghetto during that terrible and desperate
time in April and May of 1943? The reports of the uprising that the world
eventually received came mainly from three leaders who survived: Yitzhak (Antek)
Zuckerman and Zivia Lubetkin, members of the Dror-Hehalutz movement, and
Marek Edelman, a Bundist. It was only natural for the three survivors to
report on the battles led by the Fighting Jewish Organization - the Zydowska
Organizaja Bojowa or ZOB - under the leadership of Mordechai Anielewicz, of
which they too had been leaders. But there was another organization that
fought in the uprising: the Jewish Military Organization, the Zydowski
Zwiazek Wojskowy or ZZW, made up mainly of Betar members. (Its name was
patterned after the underground organization, the Irgun Tzvai Leumi [National
Military Organization], in pre-state Israel.)
The ZZW's three leaders, Pawel Frenkel, David Apfelbaum and Leon Rodal, were
killed in the uprising and for many years, the role played by Betar members
in the uprising remained in doubt.
Political and ideological considerations were apparently the reason the role
played by the ZZW in the uprising was consigned to oblivion. The Communist
regime in post-war Poland had no interest in revealing the Polish archival
sources that referred to the role the Betar members had played in the
uprising. In Israel of the 1950s and 1960s too, there was no real desire to
touch the legend of Anielewicz and his fighters from the "workers movement."
On May 24, 1944, a report was sent from Warsaw, signed by Zuckerman, Adolf
Berman and others that included the following statements: "The struggle in
the Warsaw Ghetto and in other ghettos and detention camps was initiated,
organized and carried out by our organizations, first and foremost the
workers' movements and the youth federation of labor in Eretz Israel -
Hehalutz, Dror, Hehalutz Hatzair, the youth of the Poalei Zion movement,
Hashomer Hatzair, Poalei Zion and Poalei Zion Left. These federations
organized and carried out the battles, contributed most of the fighters and
made the greatest sacrifice in blood. Let the workers' movement throughout
the world know that the organizer of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and its
leadership was the workers' movement for Eretz Israel, and that hundreds of
fighters struggled and fell, inspired by this idea. Their death will serve
as one of the foundations for a socialist future for the masses in Eretz
`Gang of porters'
In his book, "Retour sur le Ghetto de Varsovie" ("Return to the Warsaw
Ghetto"), Marian Apfelbaum, a well-known French physician, quotes an
interview Polish journalist Anka Grupinska conducted with Marek Edelman in
the spring of 2000. When she asked if they could discuss the ZZW, Edelman
responded: "Why do you want to talk about those fascists?" Later in the
conversation, Edelman demonstrated contempt for the role played by the ZZW
in the uprising, calling the Betar organization "a gang of porters,
smugglers and thieves."
In his book, Apfelbaum, a relative of David Apfelbaum, one of the leaders of
the ZZW, tries to set the story straight. His book discusses the
establishment of the ZZW just weeks after the German army marched into
Warsaw, the large-scale deportations in the summer of 1942, the foundation
of the ZOB after the deportations, the preparations for the uprising and the
uprising itself, during which, maintains Apfelbaum, the ZZW did most of the
This conclusion runs counter to the accepted account of the uprising,
according to which most of the fighting against the Germans in the ghetto
was carried out by the group led by Anielewicz, with the Betar members
seemingly playing only a minor role. Many will certainly take exception to
Apfelbaum's portrayal of the events, the copious documentation he provides
in his book notwithstanding. There is apparently no disagreement over the
facts concerning the establishment of the early cells of the ZZW, just
months after the German army invaded Poland in 1939, and that among its
commanders were fighters who had served as officers in the Polish army, such
as David Apfelbaum, who participated in the battles against the German army
in September 1939, and that some of the Betar members were given arms
training in the Irgun cells that had been established in Poland before the
Also commonly accepted is the view that the ZZW was equipped with a larger
amount of weapons and of a higher quality than the ZOB. These arms were
brought into the ghetto over many months, some through a tunnel dug to
connect the headquarters of the ZZW at 7 Muranow Street with the cellar of a
building across the street, just outside the walls of the ghetto (Jan Karski
entered the ghetto through this tunnel, accompanied by ZZW fighter David
But what about the actual fighting during the uprising itself? Joseph
Kermish, the former director of the archives at Yad Vashem, wrote in the
introduction to a book of documents, "To Live with Honor and Die with Honor!
... Selected Documents from the Warsaw Ghetto Underground Archives ": "Concerning
the course of the uprising itself and the actual preparations for it, the
Jewish and Polish sources unfortunately do not provide enough information.
They do not encompass all the aspects of the uprising ... Even the four-day
battle in Muranow Square (a fierce battle raged there on the fourth day of
the uprising, on April 22, when the Germans captured the Jewish and Polish
flags) are described only briefly in the Jewish sources ... The lacunae in
the Jewish and Polish documentation about what happened during the uprising
must necessarily be filled by using German sources, written by the enemy
himself. The reports written by SS Brigadefuehrer and Major General of
Police Juergen Stroop during the course of the events, and which were first
published by the American prosecutor during the international trial at
Nuremberg, should be viewed as among most important of the German documents
about the uprising in the ghetto."
In his concluding report on the suppression of the uprising in the ghetto,
Stroop called the ZZW unit that fought in Muranow Square, which hoisted the
Jewish and Polish flags from the building of their headquarters at 7 Muranow
Street, "the main Jewish battle group" (see Joseph Kermish, "The Warsaw
Ghetto Revolt as Seen by the Enemy"). While Stroop was incarcerated in a
Warsaw prison before his execution, Marek Edelman met with him. In answer to
Edelman's question, "In which places besides Muranow Square were fierce
battles held?" Stroop said: "At present I can no longer say it with the same
certainty as I can for Muranow Square. I also recall the brush factory, but
I cannot describe the details precisely."
The hoisting of the flags had enormous symbolic effect not only on the
Germans. A German officer, SS Untersturmfuehrer Dehmke, was killed trying to
take them down. The flags could be seen in Warsaw from a great distance, a
sign for the Polish population that the ghetto was resisting. Alicia
Kazynska, a Polish woman who lived at 6 Muranow Street, outside the ghetto
walls across the street from ZZW headquarters, describes the event in her
book, "At the Gates of Hell," published in 1993: "On the roof just across,
we could see people walking around, all carrying arms. At a certain moment
we witnessed a unique sight - they hoisted a blue-and-white flag and a red-and-white
flag. We burst into cheers - Look! Look! The Jewish flag! The Jews have
captured Muranow Square! ... We embraced and kissed one another."
The battle in Muranow Square was apparently the largest battle in the Warsaw
Ghetto uprising. It was one of the battles fought by the ZZW. David
Apfelbaum was killed in that battle.
In the introduction to his book, Marian Apfelbaum writes: "This book charges
the enormous and venerated literature about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising with
lies - and above all, lies of omission." His book makes an important
contribution to correcting the picture.
Moshe Arens was minister of defense in the governments of
Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Benjamin Netanyahu
= Plucked out of oblivion
Yehuda Ribco,
Montevideo, Uruguay. ___Queda
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