iJudaismo conversion Israel Mashiaj Tora Dios amor paz


Nisan 20, 5762 - 1/4/02

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BeShem H' El Olam

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Blood of  atonement offering?

Claves: Son, God, G-d, Dios, D-s, Di-s, Do-s, hijo, padre, Father, Jesus, Jesús, Yeshua, Yeshu, Ieshu, idolatría, idolatry, missionaries, misioneros, Bible, Biblia, Tanaj, Tora, saved, savior, salvador, salvación, commandments, Paul, Law, Moses, Testament, mitzvot, apostles, deceive, Peter, Paul.

judíos preguntas respuestas mashiaj hamashiaj fiestas jaguim shabat shabbat rezos plegaria Dios Blood of atonement offering?

by Magda C.


Did a Roman soldier shed Jesus' blood?

John 19:34 claims that "But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his
[jesus'] side, and forthwith came there out blood and water."

According to the preceeding verse, John 19:33, the Roman soldiers did not
break jesus' legs because "...he was dead already."

Chronologically, John 19:33 established the time of the inflicting of the
wound in jesus' side (John 19:34) as after his death.

John's sequence of events is contradicted in some manuscript versions* of
Matthew 27:49 which state, "And another took a spear and pierced His side,
and there came out water and blood." This addition to the verse places the
time of the inflicting of the wound as prior to Jesus' death. This
interpolation is unsupported by the best of the ancient New Testament

Blood oozing from a wound inflicted after death does not qualify as the
shedding of blood required of an atonement offering. The piercing of Jesus'
body by a spear did not cause his death. Jesus did not die as a result of
blood loss (Matthew 27:46-50, Mark 15:34-37, Luke 23:46, John 19:28-30).
Jesus' blood was not shed by a Roman soldier's spear, thrust into his side.

* New American Standard Bible (NASB) footnote: Some early manuscripts read
"And another took a spear and pierced His side, and there came out water and
blood" (cf John 19:34)


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