Judaismo conversion Israel Mashiaj Tora Dios amor paz


 Lic. Prof. Yehuda Ribco (Av 6, 5762 - 15/7/02)

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BeShem H' El Olam

LaH' Haaretz UMeloa

Si quiere ser activo en la difusión de la Torá, el judaísmo y el crecimiento integral de la persona y la sociedad,
apóyenos económicamente haciendo su generosa contribución a la cuenta número: 1249983; a nombre de Yehuda Ribco; en el banco Discount Bank Latin America; sucursal Rincón 390, Montevideo - Uruguay.
Dios les provea según sus necesidades.


Conversión en Israel


Recibi este mensaje de una chica que estuvo en Israel 
averiguando algunos programas de conversión. Puedo 
garantizar que la chica lo hace de buena intención.

Firma: S.M. (Perú)


I was tempted to put a smile after this word, as it 
seemed quite strong, but I decided the situation was 
serious enough that I should not convey a false message 
by adding a smiley...

I have done a lot of research on these kibbutzim, and 
have visited Yavne when I went to Israel last month. 
Not even to consider the fact that the classes given at 
Sde Eliahu and Saad (which is only a few kilometres 
away from the Gaza strip, btw) are only in Hebrew, one 
ought to be cautious about these programmes. I have 
been warned by numerous people, including the Ashkenazi 
Chieff Rabbi of Jerusalem himself, that a conversion 
through this type of organisations may not be 
recognised by a number of Batei Dinim.

It\'s a personal choice. It\'s up to each person to 
determine whether he\'she feels comfortable with these 
programmes. The kibbutzim belong to a religious kibbutz 
movement, as far as I\'ve been able to find. The 
conversions (for Yavne, that is) are done by the BD of 
Merkaz Shapira, near Ashqelon. Maybe someone here will 
be able to say whether it is a valued BD or not. It is 
based on these elements that one should make a 
decision - that, and that person\'s inner feeling about 
it. In any case, it is not a decision anyone should 
rush into.

If anyone is interested in knowing more about my 
*personal* conclusions on Yavne, please feel free to 
email me. 

-- Kitty.

Si les quedan interrogantes, comentarios o sugerencias, háganlas llegar que son siempre muy bienvenidas.

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